e-mail: mynewf@yandex.ru Sent Jons Юлия 8(985) 920-18-50


Поздравляю своих щенков на букву N с Днем рождения. Вам 17 лет.
Sent Djons Nirvana

Поздравляю своих щенков на букву V с Днем рождения. Вам 12 лет.
Sent Djons Valiant Knight
Sent Djons Valentine's Day
Sent Djons Vanilla Ice
Sent Djons Viva Viktoria
Sent Djons Verona
Sent Djons Violetta
Sent Djons Vesper Bell
Sent Djons Viola The Flower

Поздравляю своих щенков на букву G с Днем рождения. Вам 12 лет.
Sent Djons Griffin Glorious
Sent Djons Glamour lady
Sent Djons Gwendolyn Glorious Garden

Поздравляю своих щенков на букву M с Днем рождения. Вам 10 лет.
Sent Djons Malkin Seventy One
Sent Djons Mask of Zorro
Sent Djons Max Hold
Sent Djons Mary Poppins
Sent Djons Made in Russia
Sent Djons Mooring At Homeport

Поздравляю своих щенков на букву N с Днем рождения. Вам 10 лет.
Sent Djons Nulle part Ailleurs at ADV
Sent Djons Niagara Falls
Sent Djons Nordic Power
Sent Djons Night Dream
Sent Djons Never give up
Sent Djons National Pride
Sent Djons Nort
Sent Djons Near the Sun
Sent Djons Now you a Together

Поздравляю своих щенков на букву E с Днем рождения. Вам 8 лет.
Sent Djons Every Body Dance
Sent Djons Elegant Men
Sent Djons Exclusive
Sent Djons Enthusiast
Sent Djons Exciting Glance
Sent Djons Erni Marich
Sent Djons Emanuel
Sent Djons Eleonor

Поздравляю своих щенков на букву YU с Днем рождения. Вам 4 года.
Sent Djons Yung

Поздравляю своих щенков на букву G с Днем рождения. Вам 3 года.

Наши ньюфаундленды


The Bombardier (USA)


Дата рождения: 17 сентября 1991 г.


Титулы: AM-Ch, ROM

Colors: S
Hips: excellent


Highland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
Dalkens La Rochelle
Barharbers Just West of East
Barharbers Wilbur Right
Barharbers Just Claudia
Barharbers Sweet Charlotte
The Bombardier (USA)
Pooh Bears Stormalong
Tabus Mr. Otis Regrets
Tabus Milady Dewinter
Tabus Pooh Bearabella
Ursulas Terranova
Bos'n Bo Terra Nova Rhea
Cassandra of Brunhaus

Kloofbear's My Dream for Sent Djon's (USA)
Cayuga Wanted by Twillin Gate
Seabrooks Headmaster Tabu
Kloofbear's Ella Enchanted
Twillin Gate Virginian
Liberty del Castelbarco
Mukwa Bruin's Hearts Content
Pouch Coves Antares Fanfare
Seabrooks Day of Grace
Seabrooks Heireverent Pouch Cove
Seabrooks Rachel Rachel
Seabrooks Sissy Pooh Bear
Thickish Newfoundland Globeflower
Timbermists Rumor Has it
Twillin Gate Victory
